Friday, 19 November 2010

SIt Up Straight To Help Weight Loss

One of my top tips to help become aware of when you are full is to eat at the table. This is good for your digestion as your stomach is not squashed as it would be eating on the sofa.
Australian researchers have found that having good posture enables food to reach the lower part of your stomach sooner so letting you know you are full quicker.
My mother had a wooden spoon to hand to whack elbows that found their way onto the table! To put elbows on you have to slouch.
So to avoid eating more that you need (and the wooden spoon), do as your mother told you and “SIT UP STRAIGHT AT THE TABLE”

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Sleep More and Lose Weight More effectively

Sleeping less inhibits weight loss and contributed to weight gain. A new study published by the University of Chicago verified this in a new study published in October 2010. They found that those on a diet who had less sleep lost less fat compared to those who had adequate sleep. Cutting back on sleep reduced fat loss by 55%.
People who sleep less also have higher ghrelin levels which reduce energy and stimulate hunger.

More information on the study can be found here.
It is a very common complaint of my weight loss clients that they sleep poorly. However the good news is that when they listen to my Hypnotherapy cd’s as they go to sleep they sleep better and wake more refreshed. I don’t tell clients that this may be a ‘side effect’ of our work together but hear the response of sleeping better again and again.