Monday, 25 July 2011

Treats to Help you Lose Weight

It was a long old week last week and ended feeling very jaded and tired! Yep, even therapists get this way sometimes! So I needed a treat, something to look forward to at the weekend. I’m a great believer in treats and rewards for hard work. What is the point otherwise? So many people treat themselves in unhealthy ways or do not do so at all and then feel very dipondant with life. How so do you reward yourself? With a bottle of wine or a pack of doughnuts? Rewarding yourself with a biscuit with a cup of tea will ensure you put on 5 extra pounds in weight you don’t need over the year.
My top 5 rewards recently have been;
1.       A beautiful bunch of lilies
2.       A new paperback
3.       A sports massage
4.       A morning on the beach with a paper when there were loads of chores to do
5.       A 15 minute water ski
None too expensive and even the water ski only cost about the same as a couple of bottles of decent wine and gave me way more of a thrill and a long lasting buzz. Yes, my legs ache but in a good way.
Think of 5 ways to ‘treat’ yourself now that will help you ‘feel’ better instead of reaching for food or booze. I guarentee you will gain so much more pleasure from these and help you lose the weight too.

Friday, 15 July 2011

A Weighty Memory Problem

Clients tearfully say to me that other people think they are stupid because they are fat. This causes them to work really hard to prove otherwise but if that is the reality they are not going to win. Research at the University of Los Angeles has shown that on average the brains of overweight people were on average 4-8% smaller than those of healthy weight. Premature ageing of the brain results in memory loss and may even contribute to Alzheimer’s.  Scans of the brain showed that the shrinkage occurred around the area of the brain responsible for reasoning, memory retention and ability to make judgements.
The good news was that when they lost weight the memory scores improved. The scientists do not really know why yet but do know the brain starts to function normally again.
Sleep deprivation is a common problem with overweight people. Reported to me time and again is f the marvellous side effects of using hypnotherapy CD’s is much improved sleep which affects concentration hugely in the day.
So thank goodness I am not fat, just coping with the stupidity caused by the menopause is challenging enough!
If you have had enough worrying about what others think of you, start today by booking a FREE Chat and finding out what it will really mean to you to have others see the real you.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

See Food Diet

We have locusts in our staff room. If we have biscuits or cakes on the staff room table which we frequently do they literally disappear within hours or even minutes sometimes. If you suffer from the inability to waste food as discussed before and need a dustbin then our staff table will oblige!
A study in America put sweets on the desks of the secretaries in either a clear or a white jar with a lid. The jars were the same in every way and each night after the secretaries had gone home the jars were refilled after taking note of how many had been eaten. The secretaries that had clear jars had eaten an astonishingly 77% more calories than those with the clear jar. This would have added 5ilbs in extra weight over the year! How often do you just mindlessly see food (I include biscuits, sweets etc) and just eat it because it’s there. No checking in with your body as to whether it need refuelling or not? Is this random eating of your piling on the pounds or is it making you weary during the day as your body works hard to process the random junk you shove in with no thought?
On the plus side you are less likely to overeat if you are well hydrated. My clients will see that I keep a pint glass in my desk. Not filled with a pint of bitter, I hasten to add, but a pint of water. I always have a 2 litre bottle of water near me and you will be asked if you would like a glass. This is not only to be polite but I find that I can see how likely someone is to be dehydrated by how much they drink or not during our session and whether this needs to be in their hypnotherapy recording. We often mistake the signs of dehydration for hunger so instead of reaching for a biscuit reach for a pint of water.
Top tips:
1. Keep a pint glass on your desk or at your workstation and you will drink much, much more that if you have a small glass. In another study the military found that soldiers drank 81% more water when the water jugs were put on the mess tables as against on a side table. Very important when to be dehydrated could be fatal.  You will be less tired and less likely to reach for a quick sugar ‘fix’.
2. If you have ‘junk’ foods lying around or inside your fridge or a cupboard you frequent, you are having to say ‘no’ mentally so much more often. Each time you see the food you have to make a decision. So put away the ‘junk’, change the cupboard or put to the back of the fridge. The chocolate in my fridge is on the top shelf in the door with a plastic cover over it as it’s where the eggs should be.  I know it’s there but I do not see it every time I open the door.
Back in the office though, my hiding places have been scouted out!! Fireproof locked cupboard perhaps?