I got really annoyed at the article in Waitrose magazine debating whether we should ban the TV supper. One argument that is missed entirely is that when you eat in front of the TV or computer for that matter, you go into an eating ‘trance’. Unless the food is overly hot or tastes ‘off’ you will not even notice what you are eating. You will be unaware of the texture, the smell, the flavour mix and you will eat everything on your plate. The TV hypnotises you with its minute flickers and I have helped more than one mother understand that her children are not deliberately ignoring her when she calls them. They are hypnotised and instead of shouting (which just winds you up) she goes and clicks her fingers in front of them she will break their trance and get their attention.
TV and computer eating is contributing to obesity in this country. You cannot be aware of exactly when you have had enough and know when to stop eating. Just look at the popcorn eaters in the cinema, munching mindlessly away.
How long does it actually take to eat a meal? If you can’t devote this small amount of time to thoroughly enjoy your food without the box then you really do need some help!