I got burgled last week and lost my sense of humour for a while as you can imagine. What did the thief take? Well he/she climbed over a wall to get in and then they went into my shed. Did they take my bike, garden tools, windsurfing boards, my daughters wakeboard? No they emptied my freezer of all my home cooked foods! They left a bag of ice, 3 cup cakes in a tin, ice cream and a bag of chicken breasts. I was very, very mad!
As I advise my weight loss clients to do, I make large meals for the family and use left over’s to freeze portions for later use. So our thief has obviously walked past our house and enjoyed the smells wafting along the pavement and thought they would have some of that. They must have taken away 2 black sacks of meals in all the freezer containers I have collected over the years.
I haven’t bothered to claim on the house insurance, it’s not worth it with the excess but it’s all the work it was going to save me that’s so annoying. When working late it’s great to take a ‘proper’ meal to work to enjoy and knowing someone else had all my soups, risotto’s, curries, etc is galling!!
Anyhow rant over with, if you plan ahead as I would encourage you to do for those times you are too tired to cook and may then reach for rubbish food, make sure you have a lock on your freezer if it’s outside!!
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