Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Eat Mindfully this Christmas

Gentle reminder to really think about what you are eating and drinking this Christmas. Already the January magazines are out filled with the latest diet craze, but what if you just thought about what you are eating thus year. Mindless eating is a complete waste of time and calories.
I ask you, what is the point of having a gloriously rich Christmas Pud or home made mince pie if you don't taste the blessed thing? So allow some space for smelling and tasting instead of stuffing it all in whilst your eyes are glued to the box!

Parties are the worst time when a buffet is spread out but not that difficult to manage really;

1. eat before you go so you will already be full.
2. stay an arms length away from the table
3. only have 2 items on your plate at any one time
4. put your food down to concentrate on the conversation
5. pile up the veggies and be mean with dips
6. for every alcoholic drink, have a glass of water (having said that, it didn't work for me on Saturday night. Oh dear what a headache!)

Have a super super time and enjoy



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