Wednesday 6 April 2011

What Makes You Fearful? Weight Loss Fears

Trekking through the jungle alone didn’t make me fearful, a venomous snake crossing my path made me jump but didn’t make me fearful but eating street food did make me fearful. How weird is that, the thought of getting sick from unhygienic food made me cringe as opposed to getting lost or bitten.
What makes you fearful with regards to your health?
I have heard many different fears expressed by clients regarding food and their personal self image. Despite the abundance of food that we have available to us many still have a deep rooted fear that there won’t be enough at the next meal s so have to eat everything available then and there. Still others have the fear of punishment within them from childhood if they do not clear their plate.
Saddest of all is those who fear unwanted attention by the opposite sex should they become slim. These behaviours stem from previous experience and have become deeply embedded in the unconscious mind. Hypnosis helps to make sense of these fears and free you from them so they stay where they belong, in the past.

Friday 1 April 2011

Holiday Food and Making Choices

And there it was! The golden arches of McDonalds in Panama!! It never ceases to amaze me where this company has got to despite revolutions and poverty, it is everywhere. Finally back from my Central America travels the only tummy upset was the day I got home when all I had eaten for 24 hours was airline food. 

The staple food of Central America is gallo pinto, fried white rice and kidney beans and this is breakfast, lunch and dinner for many.  Being from the affluent west with dollars to spend I was privileged to have choice and ate very, very well most of the time. My gallo pinto was accompanied by meat or fish with a smoothie of fresh fruits to drink.  Eating was a pleasure when food is simple and fresh. In Nicaragua they say that no-one has to go hungry as there is always fruit on the trees. What an amazing attitude from people with so little yet with a welcoming and friendly spirit.

This beautiful little girl was selling mangoes by the roadside instead of being in school.

Travels in third world countries really help you focus on how much we have in this country and be eternally grateful for our ability to choose our destiny.
What are you grateful for today? What choices do you have?