“What do you think about diet pills?” a client asked me this week. “Not much” I replied. The side effects are too horrible to contemplate. If you fancy risking paranoia or wearing an adult nappy because your bowels are too loose then go ahead!
There are lots of people making lots of money from suckers who think diet pills will help. Some have herbs, some have talcum powder and none are medically endorsed.
I am tempted to shout this next sentence “THERE IS NO QUICK FIX”. The only way to lose weight permanently and safely is to change your eating and exercising habits. If you are indulging in self destructive behaviour we need to get to the bottom of this and help you change it. Hypnotherapy really helps this by changing how you think about many unhelpful situations. Under hypnosis the unconscious mind relaxes and becomes open to new behaviours and beliefs.
It’s snowing as I write this and how lovely to see the children all having fun outside in the school playground. If youngsters spent more time running around playing instead of holed up with computers and X-boxes etc we would have a lot healthier and slimmer teenage population. When did it become so scary to let the kids play out?
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