At Marks & Spencer’s till I counted 20 magazines. Of these only 3 did not refer to dieting in one way or another. Now don’t get me wrong I am all for getting Christmas out the way and starting the New Year with goals for the coming one. In fact I LOVE the whole New Year, new you concept. BUT and this is a big BUT, (or even a very big BUTT) why do so many people decide to go on a diet once again at this time. Diets don’t work for 99% of people. If they did why is the nation getting fatter and why are Weight Watchers, Rosemary Conley Sliming Clubs so successful? If they truly worked then no-one would be overweight, fat or chubby or however you describe yourself.
So many clients say they have tried Weight Watchers etc and it worked. Yes, but for how long and if it did why are you here? Well it all went back on again they say. So it didn’t work then, did it? I know I am on a bit of a rant here but the only way to stay slim and healthy is to permanently change your relationship with food and exercise. If in your unconscious mind you do not have a deep burning desire to be slim and know that is truly who you are you will try one diet after another forever.
My most successful clients of last year came to see me consistently throughout the year to ensure they stayed on course and we addressed any other issues as we went along together. Even when I told them ‘you have got it! You don’t need to come any more’, they still came every 4-6 weeks just to have the support they needed. Average weight loss of these clients 3stone 5lbs.
Don’t delay or waste any more money, pick up the phone and call for your Free Chat on 0118 9782409 at the Wokingham Clinic or 01243 527208 at Chichester.
BTW the magazines that didn’t have diet stuff on were, TV Choice, Sudoku, and Country Living. Just in case you were wondering!
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