Saturday, 26 February 2011

Allow Your Body to Rest

Another point on snacking- I have always said you should allow your body to rest and it does not need to be processing food all the time. It’s great to be backed up by medical  research at the  Metabolic Medicine Department at Glasgow University. It was found that snacking puts stress on the liver and the pancreas as blood sugar levels stay higher during the day. Unless you are a diabetic your body is very good at regulation it’s blood sugar levels and eating regular meals with a gap of about 4-5 hours is ideal.
Eating early in the evening and allowing your body to digest before bed will aid sleep. Your body needs to rest and relax, not be processing some enormous great meal.
These are the behaviours of slim people and with Hypnotherapy I will help your unconscious mind to model this behaviour. One of the first significant changes my clients generally see if that they are no longer snacking between meals and are reawakening the feelings of real hunger in their body. How great is that? How do I help you do this? Click here

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

The Big Fat Truth About Low Fat Foods

Did you see this programme? It’s so good to see someone backing up all I tell clients. The presenter who normally eats a very healthy diet preparing her meals herself ate nothing but low fat prepared foods for a month. The result; very tired, bowel habits totally disrupted and she put on 3lbs. She was also constantly hungry.
Low calorie drinks will contribute to weight gain and it shocks my clients when I give them the research that has been done.  In the programme some of the ingredients were shown to make wallpaper paste and were extracted from duck feathers. Yuk!
In  a previous life I was a meat buyer for Sainsbury’s and I can tell you I am very picky about what I give my children to eat. Less is defiantly more when it comes to quality and your health.
So stop fooling yourself with low fat rubbish and you will not only lose weight more easily but will be healthier and probably have more money in your pocket!